procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if (Radiogroup2.ItemIndex =2) then begin Timer1.Enabled :=True; Image4.Left := Image4.Left-v; Image3.Left := Image3.Left+v; if Image4.Left<0 then Image4. left:=780; if Image3.Left>800 then Image3. left:=10; end else begin if ((Radiogroup2.ItemIndex =1)And (Image4.Left>215)) or ((Radiogroup2.ItemIndex =0) And (Image4.Left>215)) or ((Radiogroup2.ItemIndex =0)And (Image4.Left<130)) or ((Radiogroup2.ItemIndex =1) And (Image4.Left<130)) then begin Timer1.Enabled :=True; Image4.Left := Image4.Left-v; if Image4.Left<0 then Image4. left:=760; end; if ((Radiogroup2.ItemIndex =0)And (Image3.Left<99)) or ((Radiogroup2.ItemIndex =1)And (Image3.Left<99)) or ((Radiogroup2.ItemIndex =0)And (Image3.Left>200)) or ((Radiogroup2.ItemIndex =1)And (Image3.Left>200)) then begin Timer1.Enabled :=True; Image3.Left := Image3.Left+v; if Image3.Left>800 then Image3. left:=10; end; end; end;